NISHIGUCHI KUTSUSHITA is a renowned Japanese sock company established in 1950. Dedicated to using natural, sustainable fibres, they create high-quality socks under the brand concept "making your day extraordinary". Explore our curation of all-season socks, each selected to serve a purpose in your day.
Linen Ribbed Socks in Beige
Linen Ribbed Socks in Beige
3 couleurs disponibles
Egyptian Cotton Ribbed Socks in Black
Egyptian Cotton Ribbed Socks in Black
3 couleurs disponibles
Silk Cotton Lounge Socks in Ivory
Silk Cotton Lounge Socks in Ivory
2 couleurs disponibles
Egyptian Cotton Ribbed Socks in Cafe
Egyptian Cotton Ribbed Socks in Cafe
3 couleurs disponibles
Linen Ribbed Socks in Blue
Linen Ribbed Socks in Blue
3 couleurs disponibles
Egyptian Cotton Ribbed Socks in Grey
Egyptian Cotton Ribbed Socks in Grey
3 couleurs disponibles
Linen Ribbed Socks in Yellow
Linen Ribbed Socks in Yellow
3 couleurs disponibles